The lazy farmer's choice ... The three original presses of Giants (ALL HAIL GIANTS !!) and the winder as mod, so that we can freely adjust the values. These are e.g. 3x yield, squeezing 25K bales and are cheaper. You can adjust these values in the respective xml-files:
Yield: <baler fillScale = "3" maxPickupLitersPerSecond = "1050"> Original would be: 1 at fillscale and 350 at flow
Size of bales: <fillUnit unit = "$ l10n_unit_literShort" fillTypeCategories = "windrow" capacity = "25000" /> Original would be: 4000
Max Speed: <speedLimit value = "20" />
I know, I know ... is just XML-botched ... but hey, who's horny, load, who does not, not ...;)
Cheers and have fun with the 19er !!!