This is a mower pack consisting of the original mower from Giants with modified dirt texture and no div adaptations it is also included in the LS 17 Pöttinger Navacat 302 ED and the two Lely mowers included. This mower package consisting of the original mower from Giants with modified dirt texture and no div. Adjustments, it is also included in the LS 17 Pöttinger Navacat 302 ED and the two Lely mowers included. Pack contents: - Pöttinger Novacat 302 ED, Kuhn GDM 4411, NewHolland Discbine 313, Pöttinger Novacat 301, Pöttinger Novacat X8, Lely Splendimo 320FC, Lely Splendimo 900MC, Big M450 Pöttinger Novacat 302 ED: Converted to LS 19 (for uncoupling the mower has to be unfolded and lowered) Animation adjustments integrated into the pack multicolored dirt installed (thanks Crouwler) Hydraulics and E-cables added Kuhn GDM 4411: taken from the game and integrated into the pack Dirt adapted Hydraulics and E-cables added lowered price NewHolland Discbine 313: taken from the game and integrated into the pack Added color choice for the rims multicolored dirt installed (thanks Crouwler) Hydraulics and E-cables added lowered price Pöttinger Novacat 301: taken from the game and integrated into the pack multicolored dirt installed (thanks Crouwler) lowered price Pöttinger Novacat X8 taken from the game and integrated into the pack multicolored dirt installed (thanks Crouwler) E-cable removed lowered price Lely Splendimo 320FC Modhub single mod integrated into the pack multicolored dirt installed (thanks Crouwler) Connecting pants for hydraulically-secured hoses inserted lowered price Lely Splendimo 900MC Modhub single mod integrated into the pack multicolored dirt installed (thanks Crouwler) Connecting pants for electric and hydraulics inserted with detached hoses lowered price Big M450: taken from the game and integrated into the pack different rotational speeds with the RUL Added color choice for the rims Tire config Michelin added Horn sound changed multicolored dirt installed (thanks Crouwler) Support here: Mower Pack [Official Support] I wish you all a nice Christmas and a happy new year after 2019 who likes to do good things to the forum paypal.me/ModdingWelt Review error free in SP faultlessly tested on the DEDI Log error there is an error in the LOG Error: Failed to request recommended mods, HTTP error code 0 repeatedly appears repeatedly, this comes abr not the mod special from the game and has been with me since the patch 1.2 there. After a newly created savegame, completely new (at least for me today) none known by the modpack.