With this mod you need to get out of the vehicle to attach or detach implement / trailer.
-drive vehicle to implement, get out and move to attacherjoint
-you will see attaching markers
-you also need to manually attach PTO.
-you need to detach PTO first before detach implement
-you can switch between 3 mods of attaching (Manually only, Inside vehicle only and Both Manually / Insid)
-if PTO is not connected, implement cant be turned on / start tipping
-you can show / hide current MA mode in F1 help menu
Attach / detach implement - "KEY_q"
Attach / detach PTO - "KEY_x"
Toglle mode - "KEY_lshift KEY_a"
Show / hide mode in help menu - "KEY_lctrl KEY_a"
If you find any errors or issues, let me know in comments or to kenny456@seznam.cz and i will fix it in next version.