Courseplay is a modification for Farming Simulator 19. It allows you to have many different vehicles driving around autonomously and automatically, have them do field work, unload combines, drive fruit to selling points, fill a bunker or a trailer with a shovel, level and compact silage and much more... changeLog: CoursePlay LS19 / FS19 - course generator setting GUI - added support for RO - new traffic recognition system - fieldwork row direction can also be selected manually now - support for big islands - multiplayer enabled - support for straw harvest addon - new option for course generation to bypass small islands in fields - added support for sprayer Addon (with the friendly support of David FONTAINE) - added combine convoy option - turn maneuver for headland corners to avoid missing fruit - added option to align to 1st waypoint in mode 2, 4 and 6 - added easy setup for multiple tools on one field work course - support for Plantium Edition(Still Work In Progress) - bugfixes
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Sorry. I meant courseplay,GPS,Giants editor.None of them work but they are still there. My 71 yr old brain don't work so good some days. Is there any one even watching any of the mod sites. They seem to all be the same.
Everything i seen it is for FS 17 not 19
Everything i seen it is for FS 17 not 19. I do not know why they leave it up. Take it DOWN. Please.
I'm a bit crazy, again only a picture file
Will NOT in FS 19